Working together to stay healthy in ordinary and unusual times

It remains to be true that for the vast majority of you, it still makes sense to come get acupuncture, maybe now as much as ever: but, of course we want to figure out how to be as thoughtful and precautionary as possible. 

As you probably now know, we have coronavirus (COVID-19) patients in our little state; and, of course, Rhode Island is inseperable from the rest of our world. It's not time to panic, but it's a good time to review what we can all do to reduce transmission of this and other diseases. And it's a good reminder of how interconnected we humans are... we can help each other.

STAY HOME IF YOU'RE SICK. First and foremost, please stay home if you're sick (fever, sore throat, coughing and sneezing which is not from allergies). We do not charge a fee for appointments cancelled because of illness. But we do ask that you notify us so that we can open up that appointment slot for someone else. 

WASH HANDS! Be responsible to yourself. Take care of yourself, and take precautions. Washing your hands is the single most important thing you can do to help stem transmission of this and other viruses. Get adequate sleep, eat nourishing foods. But Wash. Your. Hands. 

BE RESPONSIBLE TO OTHERS This includes staying home if you're sick. It includes coughing into your elbow or a tissue. It also includes being self-aware. If you're under the weather, or if you've been around someone who is, consider avoiding places where you might contact vulnerable people (kids, elders, immune-compromised folks), like daycare centers, nursing homes, and hospitals. 


  • Our practitioners will wash our hands and arms thoroughly before and after each client.

  • We are having every patient wash hands and forearms as soon as they come in to the clinic.

  • We are changing the sheets after every patient.

  • We can cover your feet for warmth but may stop covering upper body. So, bring a sweater. 

  • We're doing extra sanitizing around the clinic.

  • We pledge to stay home if we're sick.

  • And we're keeping an eye on the RI Department of Health for updates and recommendations.

Check in with loved ones. Remain generous and connected, even if that's by phone or online. Do not engage in xenophobia. Stay informed; avoid unreliable news sources. And support local and national efforts to enact universal health care. If some of us are left behind, we're all at risk.

If you are among the populations at higher risk of succumbing to the COVID 19 virus, you should be very carefully limiting your exposure. Otherwise, and if you can follow some simple quidelines at the clinic, we want to see you for acupuncture. Getting acupuncture is one of the best things you can do to help your immune system function at its best, and also to de-stress. So let's help each other through this unsettling time.
