Support Kindred through our pause. Buy a specially priced treatment package now.

We’ve just made it possible for you to buy pre-paid treatment packages online.


As you know, we have shut our doors temporarily in order to join efforts to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. Like many small businesses, especially social businesses like ours where the fees from our services go right back into the clinic operations, closing will take a heavy toll on our financial ability to sustain our mission. In order to guarantee that we can come back strong and keep making regular acupuncture an accessible reality for local individuals and families with working class incomes, we need help from our community of existing patients and from those of you who’ve been considering coming for acupuncture. Specially priced treatment packages are available here. Each one sold will help significantly offest our losses every day of this shut-down. Choose a sliding-scale fee for a 5 pack of treatments where you get a 6th treatment free. Or, purchase a ten pack where you get two treatments free. You can find the link here.

None of us know when business as usual will return. Or, if business as usual will return at all. We do know that community acupuncture is very well suited for these times. It’s cheap. It’s closeby. It emphasizes regulating the basic sytems in our body so that we can get healthy and then stay healthy. Community acupuncture has always been about making this miraculous natural medicine accessible on a large scale to a majority of people. It has always been about transforming healthcare from a profit-driven sytem of high intensity, techno-pharmaceautical intervention to a gentle but powerfully effective web of holistic and preventative care offered locally, and supported and sustained by the members of that community.

We’ll be posting health tips, such as self-administered acupressure, recommended resources about COVID19, links to mutual aid efforts, and info about the ongoing fight for universal healthcare. We can get through this crisis together. And, together we can build more resilient and relevant and effective and democratic sytems of care as we move forward.