Gathering resources. Looking for the right time to open.

I wanted to hop into your email inbox just to let you know I am thinking of you, and working hard on a plan to re-open the clinic.

COVID-19 continues to be an ongoing threat, even beyond the individuals and communities that have already been impacted. Even though Rhode Island has done a relatively good job flattening the curve of transmission and also supporting hospitals, we are not disconnected from the rest of the country and from very concerning trends related to infection rates and lack of leadership. Also, it's clear that the virus spreads most easily indoors with people near each other for stretches of 15 minutes or more. So, I am making the decision that it does not make sense for us to open Kindred just yet. But, we are keeping our eye on the national and local situation, and exploring every possible strategy for making the clinic safe, so we can open as soon as is wise.

Healthcare is a human right; and we can see that and other human and civil rights being undermined right and left right now. In the midst of it all, and even with the clinic temporarily (we hope) closed, I want you to know that your health, and your access to good care, matters to me. Community acupuncture is one of the only great models of affordable, accessible, community based consistent care that I have found; and, together, we're going to have to innovate that model to keep it working well for all of us. In the meantime, as much as I so desperately want to do acupuncture and to see you all again, I do not want to risk anyone's health. So, until the epidemiological picture is trending positively and we have refitted the clinic to maximize safety and comfort, we will remain closed.

Please - be safe. Wear your mask. Wash your hands. FInd some play and some rest and some joy.

I can not wait to invite you back to the clinic, and to all the ways that acupuncture can boost your immunity, your nervous system, and your overall health during a time of change.

Don't hesitate to drop me a line and let me know how you are doing. I miss seeing you at 545 Pawtucket Ave.

Here is a link to a wonderful interview with John Lewis, whose passing we mourn. I cherish his life’s work and his words here on the “Beloved Community”.